Research and Policy

Peer-Reviewed Articles
Organized by Perpetration research and Victimization research, the following articles provide a review of empirical research conducted on the ARC3 survey.

Policy and Legislation
The following provides background information on the legislation and policies relevant to the need for a campus climate survey, and the need to address sexual violence in higher education institutions.

Research Briefs
Listed are sexual assault facts sheets including approaches to prevention, alcohol involvement, and common questions about sexual assault.

Research and evaluation key findings must be disseminated to further the impact of important work. See where our collaborators have taken the ARC3.

Op-Eds and Columns
Beyond researchers and administrators, findings can be shared with other stakeholders of college campus safety via op-eds and columns. See how our ARC3 collaborators have made strides to connect with the broader population here.

Other Resources
Additional support and resources for all things campus sexual assault, policy, research, and dissemination-related.